名稱 Name
華美會 CBLA
華人美好生活協會 (簡稱:華美會)
Chinese Better Living Association (CBLA)
標誌 Logo
The flying colorful butterflies experience growth and transformation, showing colorful life, producing the butterfly effect, spreading love and living a better life.

歷史 History
全球有超過十四億華人,逾四千萬華人生活在海外,其中超過五百萬華人住在美國不同的州份。華人離鄉別井遠走他方,祇是為了追求夢想、平等、以及美好的生活。 可惜世事難料,天災人禍頻繁,不幸事件激發了我們對世人的憐愛之心。2006年華人美好生活協會(華美會)在美國紐約正式註冊成為一間(501c3)的非營利機構,並獲得免稅資格。
There are more than 1.4 billion Chinese in the world, and more than 40 million Chinese live overseas, of which more than 5 million live in different states in the United States. Chinese people leave their hometown and travel far away just want to pursue dreams, equality, and a better life. Unfortunately, things in the world are unpredictable, natural and man-made disasters are frequent, and unfortunate events inspire our love for people. In 2006, the "Chinese Better Living Association" (CBLA) was officially registered in New York, and became a (501c3) nonprofit organization and obtained tax-exempt status.

使命 Missions
The Chinese Better Living Association provides holistic care to Chinese people living in America through social services. The Chinese Better Living Association provides better life prospects for Chinese people around the world by gathering resources, training leaders, and forming alliances.

工作 Work
1. 特殊家庭:關注社會上有特殊需要的家庭。
2. 青年培育:培育青年人關懷及服務社會。
3. 全人關懷:關懷城市人的心身靈健康。
4. 領袖培訓:提升領導力,促進各種族和諧。
5. 宣教聯盟:聯合教會推動本地、海外宣教。
With the help of social resources and volunteers, the service areas of the Chinese Better Living Association include the following:
1. Special Needs Families: Pay attention to families with special needs in the society.
2. Youth cultivation: Cultivate young people to care for and serve the society.
3. Holistic care services: caring for the physical, mental and spiritual health of urban residents.
4. Leadership training: improve leadership and promote harmony among different races.
5. United Mission: United churches and Christians to promote local and overseas missions.